




达里奥 (pronouns: he/him/his) is the liaison to the College of Arts of Sciences, 教育学院, 法学院, and the School of Theology and Ministry. By collaborating with Faculty Directors and staff, 达里奥 helps facilitate faculty-led courses and immersions abroad. 达里奥 also advises students in the exploration of international education opportunities, 包括长期和短期. In collaboration with 海外教育办事处 staff, 达里奥 provides health and safety training, 离岗前方向, 跨文化的准备, and re-entry sessions for SU groups traveling abroad. 达里奥 holds a BA in Communication Studies from the University of Denver, where he studied abroad in Australia, and a MEd in Student Development Administration from 国外博彩app

达里奥's message about education abroad: "As is the case for many students, studying abroad was the first opportunity I had to travel and live abroad. 在悉尼学习, Australia was the start of my passion for international education because of the opportunity it gave me to better understand myself and to continue building the resilience to complete my education. This still inspires me today to help create opportunities for students to have similar experiences that challenge and inspire them to continue learning about themselves and the world around them."



Interim Director, Advisor (Last Names A-L)

截至2022年9月, Kirsti路德 will serve as Interim Director along with her role as the 国外的教育 Advisor.

Kirsti (pronouns: she/her/hers) is an Advisor in the 海外教育办事处. 在这个角色中, she accompanies students through the discernment process in selecting an international program which meets the individual academic and personal goals of each student. In addition to working with students during this initial exploration phase, Kirsti supports students through further advising, 离岗前方向, and other event programming prior to departure and through the re-entry process. Kirsti holds a BA in Political Science from 国外博彩app and studied abroad in Madagascar through the School for International Training. 有学习经验, 志愿服务, 以及去非洲旅游, 亚洲, 欧洲, 和拉丁美洲, Kirsti joins the 海外教育办事处 staff with a shared value of international education and its central role in the university’s mission.

Kirsti's message about education abroad: "I studied abroad in Madagascar through the School for International Training (SIT), focusing on urbanization and rural development. 经历过学习, 志愿服务 以及去非洲旅游, 亚洲, 欧洲和拉丁美洲, I joined the 海外教育办事处 staff with a shared value and belief in the transformative power of international education and its central role in the university’s mission to empower leaders for a just and humane world."




珍妮花 (pronouns: she/her/hers) is an Advisor in the 海外教育办事处. 就像她的顾问同事Kirsti一样, she will work with students through the discernment process in selecting an international program which meets the individual academic and personal goals of each student. In addition to working with students during this initial exploration phase, Jenn supports students through further advising, 离岗前方向, and other event programming prior to departure and through the re-entry process. Jenn is a double alum of 西雅图 U, 作为一名本科生, she majored in Psychology with a minor in Japanese, 最近, 完成她的M.Ed. 教育管理. Jenn has lived, studied, and worked in various countries (US, Hong Kong, Japan – JET Program).

Jenn's message about education abroad: 作为一名本科生, I assumed that I would not be able to study abroad, so I didn’t even try to see what my possibilities were. However, I did have the opportunity to work abroad in Japan for five years teaching English with JET. 作为一个第三文化的孩子, 我找到了生活, learning and working abroad helped me define myself and allowed me to explore my identity as a global citizen. Studying abroad is an amazing opportunity for students to learn more about themselves in a global context."